
International Jewish Humanitarianism in the Age of the Great War (Cambridge University Press 2021) [UK distribution] [US distribution]
National Jewish Book Award Winner for Writing Based on Archival Material.
It tells the untold story of how American Jews reinvented modern humanitarianism during the Great War and rebuilt Jewish life in Jewish homelands in war’s wake.
“Now, as then, mass displacement of people has led to global humanitarian and military mobilization, often requiring coordination between the two,” writes Professor Magda Teter in the New York Review of Books. “The stories [the books] tell remind us how much our world is an heir to the violent legacy of World War I.” (watch our discussion here)
“Granick illustrates how the destruction wreaked by World War I was transformative, not only in the annals of Jewish history, but also in the history of humanitarian activism,” remark the National Jewish Book Award judges. “This change was wrought by a group of actors, who Granick painstakingly brings to life with her nuanced understanding of archival documents — as well as their silences.”
Book Tour:
I am taking related speaking engagements, including through the Jewish Book Council Network.
Past talks, discussions, and interviews at: New Books Network, May 2022; Fordham University Jewish Studies department, April 2022; American University Jewish Studies Program, Feb. 2022; Sir Martin Gilbert Learning Center, Jan. 2022; Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute and Centre for Jewish Studies, University of Manchester, Nov. 2021; Sheffield University History department research seminar, Nov. 2021; University of Connecticut History of Human Rights and Humanitarianism Colloquium, Oct. 2021; Oxford Chabad Slager Centre, Oct. 2021; Moses Mendelssohn Center at Potsdam University lecture, June 2021; Cambridge University Modern European History research seminar, May 2021; Central European University Jewish Studies Program, May 2021; Johns Hopkins University Judaic Studies and History, April 2021; University of Virginia Jewish Studies Program, April 2021; Yale University Fortunoff Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, April 2021; University of St Andrews School of International Relations, April 2021; University College Dublin Global History and Centre for War Studies seminar series, March 2021.