
I am the author of International Jewish Humanitarianism in the Age of the Great War (Cambridge University Press 2021) [US distribution], National Jewish Book Award Winner for Writing Based on Archival Material. It tells the untold story of how American Jews reinvented modern humanitarianism during the Great War and rebuilt Jewish life in Jewish homelands in war’s wake. I am taking related speaking and teaching engagements.
See my published academic articles related to the above research: “Waging Relief,” “La philanthropie de la communauté juive américaine pendant la Grande Guerre,” and “Les associations juives à la Société des Nations.” I also have a chapter in a book on the history of the Joint Distribution Committee.
I have also begun projects on gendering Jewish internationalism in the long twentieth century and on Jewish country houses in Europe.
I am happy to serve as an expert historian for the press or as a public intellectual elsewhere. See my published pieces: “Solomon & Gaenor and #MeToo” (JewThink), “Bevis Marks: Britain’s oldest synagogue is central to London’s history – here’s why it needs protecting” (the Conversation UK), “Why the Pittsburgh Shooter Raged About Immigration” (Washington Post), “A History of Anti-HIAS Hate” (Slate), and “Pittsburgh showed the difference between US and UK antisemitism” (Guardian). Listen to two interviews: on the audio drama “Special Occasions” by Amy Ng (Fizzy Sherbet Podcast) and on Holocaust Memorial Day 2020 (BBC Radio Wales).